Pik & Bash pik, bash

Use pik with a bash shell

In .bashrc in you $HOME :

    # Add the following line to your existing .bashrc
    # Note the double quotes on the path next to source
    [[ -s $USERPROFILE/.pik/.pikrc ]] && source "$USERPROFILE/.pik/.pikrc"

And in .pyrc file :

    # Assuming that Pik is install on the C: drive
    function pik {
    $pik_path/pik_runner.exe pik.sh $@
    # Note the double quotes on the path next to source
    [[ -s $USERPROFILE/.pik/pik.sh ]] && source "$USERPROFILE/.pik/pik.sh"
    unset GEM_HOME
    unset GEM_PATH

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